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西村直樹 1978年生まれ。芝浦工業大学建築学部卒業後、2001年、異色のビジネスモデルで話題のスポーツ用品会社、ゼビオ株式会社に就職。入社2年目で約100億円の予算を預かるシューズバイヤーに抜擢され、約10年間、マーケティングの最前線で活躍。その後海外統括部門にて、グローバルビジネスを実地で学ぶ。その後、1枚のフランス金貨との出会いがきっかけとなり、アンティークコインに魅せられ、2014年に株式会社ユニバーサルコインズを起業。アンティークコインの購入から売却に至るまで、顧客の資産形成を全面的にサポートしている。自身の人生を変えたアンティークコインの深遠な魅力を伝えるべく奮闘中。 |
Naoki Nishimura Born in 1978, he graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Shibaura Institute of Technology in 2001. He then got a job with Zebio Co. Ltd., a popular sports equipment company with a unique business model. In his second year at the company, he was selected as a shoe buyer with a budget of about 10 billion yen, and has been active at the forefront of marketing for about 10 years. After that, he studied global business in the overseas management department. He became fascinated by antique coins after obtaining a French gold coin, and in 2014 started Universal Coins Co. Ltd., which fully supports the asset formation of customers, from purchase to sale of antique coins. He is struggling to convey the profound charm of antique coins that has changed his life. |