Warriors of light |
光の戦士達 |
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「上念司の弟」、「へライザー総統は娘」と公言しているが、彼ら側からは全く相手にされてない存在。 自らを「ド陰謀野郎Aチーム」と称したかと思うと、「光の側の人間」と称し、内外のどん深闇ニースを YouTubeで「ニュースの裏側」として配信、 解説中にときおり見せる鋭い眼光と示唆に富む発言には 「光の戦士」認定をせざるを得ない何かがある。 |
Younger brother of Tsukasa Jonen and father of daughter, Helyzer Soho, but not acknowledging each other at all. Rather than calling himself a conspiracy theorist, he prefers to think of himself as a man on the side of light. His YouTube channel, Omeso channel, describes itself as the back side of the news. Sharp eyes and suggestive remarks which sometimes show up during commentary make him unmistakable as a warrior of light. |